Money Matters: Insider Tips to Buying a Home

If you are thinking about buying a home, whether it be a single-family house, condo, townhome, or investment property, it is important to choose the right property for you and your family at an affordable price. Downsizing or Upsizing? Guide to Purchasing Your New Home Everyone’s process is different. Yours could take a short time … Read more

Renting vs Owning a Home

Why continue throwing money away when you can be investing in your future and living in your dream home at the same time? Did you know that a renter paying $995.00 per month in rent will pay their landlord $59,700.00 over 5 years?!  5 Reasons to Buy Instead of Rent Mortgage rates are fluctuating, and … Read more

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3 Powerful Benefits of Using Managed WordPress Web Hosting

Here are a few reasons why you should use WordPress—and what makes it the best and most popular platform on the internet. Even if you’re a basic user, it’s relatively easy to get started. There are two WordPress hosting options. If you want a host for your high-traffic website or you have little to no … Read more

Ways to Build Positive Credit

Pay All of Your Bills on Time, Every Month This includes your utility bills, mortgage and auto payments, personal loans, insurance, and all of your revolving lines of credit like store credit cards. Check your credit report at least once a year for negative and inaccurate items.   Open a Checking and Savings Account The first … Read more

Do It Yourself Credit Improvement Process

Do You Need to Improve Your Credit? When negative information in your report is accurate, only time can make it go away. A credit reporting company can report most accurate negative information for 7 years and bankruptcy information for 10 years. Information about an unpaid judgment against you can be reported for 7 years or … Read more

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Guides to Backpacking, Mountain Biking and Hiking Georgia

Hiking in Georgia Are you ready for an unforgettable hiking adventure in the stunning landscapes of Georgia? Lace-up your boots and get ready to embark on an extraordinary journey through lush forests, majestic mountains, and breathtaking trails. Atlanta, Georgia: A Guide to 30 Great Hikes Close to Town Hiking Near Atlanta offers 30 trails of … Read more

How to Create an Ergonomic Workspace at Home or Work

Many workplace activities can cause minor aches and pains at one time or another. For those who spend large amounts of time at their computer workstation, three factors have been identified as contributing to ergonomically-related problems. These are awkward posture, duration, and repetitive motion. Although any one alone can create problems, the combination of all … Read more

Backpacking, Hiking, and Camping Safety Guides

Guides to Day Hikes in the U.S. and Canada. Hiking Trails, Scenic Views, Shelter & Rest, Backpack and Hiking Gear, Overnight Camping Sites, National Parks, Outdoor Survival Tools. Backpacker: The Complete Guide to Backpacking From detailed descriptions of what to pack and how to pack it to navigation and campsite cooking, to managing outdoor hazards … Read more

A Trail of Clues to the Murder of Nicole Brown Simpson

Nicole and O. J. Simpson—A high-profile and tragic story involving jealousy, domination, manipulation, a controlling partner, domestic violence, inter-racial marriage, celebrity status, wealth, and spousal abuse. 30 years ago, on June 12, 1994, Nicole Brown was found murdered outside her home. The investigation led to her ex-husband as the prime suspect. 30-year-old O. J. Simpson … Read more

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