How ILLINOIS is Supporting Kamala Harris for President

Democrats Presidential Nominee Kamala Harris & VP Nominee Tim Walz

Democrats, Independents, Republicans, Neighborhood Communities, Nurses, Teachers, Organized Labor, Veterans & more are energized & mobilizing and organizing for VP Harris presidential campaign.

Congresswoman Lauren Underwood: “So proud to welcome our Next President Kamala Harris to the great state of Illinois.”

Congresswoman Lauren Underwood and Vice President Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris has what it takes to win if we come together, knock on doors, talk to our neighbors, and show just how Democrats can protect and advance real freedom.

Kamala Harris: “Our teachers, nurses, and firefighters should not be paying more in taxes than billionaires. That’s why I support a billionaire minimum tax and will ensure corporations pay their fair share.”

Kamala Harris’ strength among working-class families and growing interest from entrepreneurs, independents, undecideds, young adults and small business owners could push her to victory. She has a proven track record of supporting policies like banning medical debt from credit reports and expanding childcare tax credits to give people the financial room to breathe.

Labor Day—House Democrats Parade

Democratic Party of DuPage County Supports Kamala Harris for President

Presidential Nominee Kamala Harris: “In order to grow America’s economy, we must invest in workers, we must invest in families, we must invest in institutions, and we must invest in our small businesses.”

Kamala Harris is addressing an issue that’s come up at home and in grocery aisles nationwide: Inflation. Prices are too high, she said. “When I was attorney general, I went after price-fixing schemes. And when I am president, it will be my day one priority to fight to bring down prices.” She said she would do so by taking on corporations over price gouging and corporate landlords raising rents.

Veterans Vote Blue Day of Action

Lake County Democrats

Lake County veterans and supporters came together for a premier veterans’ party during the Democratic National Convention. The event was co-hosted by the Illinois Veterans for Change, VoteVets, the Lake County Democrats Veterans Committee, and others. 

Former members and active-duty personnel packed the IBEW Local 134 union hall to hear why veterans need to elect Democrats. 

Weekly Newsletter: Doing Something

Illinois Veterans for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz

Lake Dems organized seventeen formal Day of Action events held last Saturday all over Lake County and beyond. We also had many pop-up events. With energy and enthusiasm, hundreds of our Lake County Democrats volunteers engaged voters. We made phone calls, sent texts, wrote 10,000 postcards to swing states (yes, you read that right!), and knocked on doors in Lake County and Wisconsin!

Lake County Democrats Day of Action Events to Support Kamala Harris for President

The Lincoln Project: The commander and chief’s sole responsibility if nothing else is to protect the American people from all enemies. Kamala Harris is the only candidate on the ballot in November who will uphold this promise.

Americans are rallying behind Kamala to defend our right to retire with dignity. She will protect and strengthen social security. “For millions of seniors, Social Security is the difference between getting by and living in poverty. We can’t cut social security & Medicare that millions of retirees & seniors rely on.” Vice President Kamala Harris

“We can’t hope that we defeat Donald Trump, we can’t hope that we can collectively bargain, we can’t hope we protect Social Security, we can’t hope that we address climate change. You don’t hope to win; you plan, prepare, and work to win.” VP Nominee Tim Walz

Warren County Democrats

It’s great to see Harris-Walz signs popping up in yards all over Warren County.

Harris-Walz 2024 Yard Sign

Harris-Walz Yard Sign (American made, union printed). Your purchase is a donation to the Harris Victory Fund. Proudly Display Your Support for Kamala Harris & Tim Walz.

I Pledge to Volunteer

This race for president is still neck and neck. The Harris-Walz campaign needs YOU to Help out to make sure we win. Let’s Do Something: Volunteer.

Harris-Walz 2024 Presidential Campaign T-Shirt (Amazon)

Kamala Cares For Us

QUOTE: “I’m Kamala Harris, and I’m running for President of the United States. In this election, we each face a question, What kind of country to we want to live in? There are some people who think that we should be a country of chaos, of fear, of hate. But us, we choose something different. We choose freedom. The freedom not just to get by but get ahead. The freedom to be safe from gun violence. The freedom to make decisions about your own body. We choose a future where no child lives in poverty, where we can all afford healthcare, where no one is above the law. We believe in the promise of America and we’re ready to fight for it because when we fight, we win. So, join us, go to and let’s get to work.”

“Any so-called leader who is about beating down other people is a coward. The real measure of the strength of a leader is based on who you lift up. That’s what this campaign is about.” Kamala Harris

Illinois Democratic County Chairs: Harris for President

Steve Kerr—Former NBA Player for the Chicago Bulls

Chicago Bulls Legend Steve Kerr, “I believe leaders must display dignity. I believe that leaders must tell the truth… If you look for those qualities in your friends or boss—shouldn’t you want that in your president? It’s so basic but honestly, it speaks to me because that’s the kind of leader I want my children knowing represents America.”

NBA Head Coach Steve Kerr, Team USA Endorses Kamala Harris for President

NBA Coach Steve Kerr Spoke at the 2024 Democratic National Convention

Steve Kerr, now the NBA Head Coach for the Golden State Warriors endorsed Kamala Harris for President. At the 2024 DNC, Kerr said, “After the results are tallied that night, we can, in the words of the great Steph Curry, we can tell Donald Trump ‘night night’.”

Democrats for the Illinois House

In Illinois, we are Union Strong! We believe in the power of unionizing and collective bargaining. Because every worker deserves fair wages, safe workplace conditions, and access to affordable training.

Illinois Nurses Association

“No better time to remind the world that Chicago is a union town.”

Illinois Nurses Association

Congresswoman Lauren Underwood: “As a Registered Nurse, Public Health Expert, and a woman with a pre-existing heart condition, my top priority in Congress is ensuring access to high-quality, affordable health care for our families and eliminating cost barriers to care.

Liz Shuler, President of the AFL-CIO

“From Blue Bird to ZeniMax, young workers are leading a new wave of organizing. This isn’t just about workplaces—it’s about transforming that energy into political power. Unions are ready to lead this election and behond. #UnionsForHarrisWalz

“Was honored to stand with President Biden, Vice President Harris, and Labor Leaders in Pittsburgh this Labor Day. We’re building a future where every worker has dignity, opportunity, and the strength that comes from unions. When we fight, we win. #BetterInAUnion

Illinois Women for Harris

Lauren Underwood: Learn more about work: Illinois Women for Harris is a dynamic and powerful statewide coalition dedicated to supporting Kamala Harris’ historic run for President.

Illinois Women for Kamala Harris

Senator Tammy Duckworth

“It’s great to have Leaders in the White House who look out for working families.”

“On Women’s Equality Day, we celebrate the trailblazers who paved the way to deliver a better future for our daughters. As our most basic rights continue to be under attack, together, let’s make it clear: we can’t go back.”

Senator Tammy Duckworth: “We must restore reproductive freedom for all.”

“When you’re having a medical emergency, you should be able to access the care you need. But since 2022, we’ve seen a rise in pregnant women being turned away from ERs. Republicans’ abortion bans are putting lives at risk. We must restore reproductive freedom for all.”

“Two years ago, President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law—delivering prescription drug costs, creating clean energy jobs and helping ensure the ultra-wealthy pay their share in taxes. Every single Republican in Congress voted against it.

Representative Janet Yang Rohr joins the Increasing Representation of Women in Technology Task Force to create more opportunities for women across the state. She also helped pass the Bipartisan Bill that created this task force.

Governor J. B. Pritzker is focusing on bringing millions of Gen Z women to the polls to vote for Democrats in swing states. Women are the key to winning big in 2024.

Democrats Deliver in Illinois

Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses

Kamala Harris: “As President, one of my highest priorities will be to support small businesses. Small businesses in our country employ half of all private sector workers—generating revenue that helps repair our roads and pay our teachers. They are part of the glue that holds our communities together.”

Small businesses are the backbone of our communities. “In order to grow America’s economy, we must invest in workers, we must invest in families, we must invest in institutions and we must invest in our businesses. Our small businesses are part of the fabric and culture of our communities. Our small business leaders are not just business leaders. They are civic leaders. They are community leaders. They hire locally. They mentor. They inspire. And when we talk about the strength of our nation, all of those attributes are a part of growing our strength. Together, we will continue our work to advance economic opportunity and build an economy where every American can thrive.

“Small business owners need the confidence, capital, and security to get off the ground. Our plan will help them do it. The Harris-Walz Plan will help entrepreneurs get their ideas off the ground with a 10X Expansion in Tax Deductions for startup expenses from $5,000 to $50,000.”

Mark Cuban, Entrepreneur & Investor: “Kamala Harris is pro-business. She’s talked more about entrepreneurs and helping them have access to investment than any president that I’ve ever heard.”

Former President Barack Obama: “As Kamala Harris said, small businesses are the essential fabric of our communities. And she laid out some smart ways to help support our entrepreneurs. Just like she did as Vice President, Kamala will strengthen small businesses all across the country, including in communities that have too often been overlooked.”

Vice President Kamala Harris, President Joe Biden and Former President Barack Obama arrived at an Affordable Care Act event (Official White House Photo by Cameron Smith)

Illinois Residents

Register to Vote. Update Your Voter Registration Information. Early Voting for the Nov. 5 general election begins September 26, 2024.

A major reason for early voting is to encourage greater participation in the election process. People who travel for business, work long hours, or are otherwise inconvenienced by the hours the polls are open on Election Day may find it easier to vote early.

Kamala Harris for President: When We Vote, We Win!

“Kamala Harris is a champion for the working class, and like all great leaders, Kamala Harris knows it’s not all about her. It’s about the people. …But we know who we’re dealing with. Donald Trump is a scab. And his sidekick isn’t any better. JD Vance is a vulture. Every time Donald Trump gets a chance, he trashes our union, and he trashes the working class. …Well let me tell you something: Donald Trump doesn’t know shit about the auto industry, and he doesn’t give a damn about the working class.” UAW President Shawn Fain

The 2024 Objective

The American people want a Leader who gives us Inspiration & Hope. Kamala Harris & Tim Walz connects with ALL people. Trump said, “I don’t care about you. I just want your vote.” We Deserve Better.

Let’s mobilize, organize & take action to Support for President. Your voice matters, so let’s make history with hope and unity.

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